Hi, I'm Amanda, and I work with strong, driven entrepreneurs, executives, and professionals who are ready to up-level their online presence and transform their lives while making life better for others too.
You've done the hard part - staking your claim in the world and putting yourself out there to serve others. That takes a lot of guts and grit, my friend! Now you're ready to put yourself into someone else's hands to take you to the next level.
As a personal branding photographer and visual marketer, it's my mission to 1) help you clarify and tell your brand story the way you want it to be told, 2) guide you in presenting yourself authentically so you can be more profitable while doing what you love, and 3) give you an unforgettable experience that will leave you feeling luxuriously pampered.
whether you are:
Starting off your business right and creating your online brand with an air of professionalism from the very beginning;
Refreshing your online images because you're still using the 2011 headshot from the office photographer (who apparently didn't know more than one pose);
Overhauling your whole brand presentation and looking to up-level your photographs to speak directly to your potential clients in a way that will make them listen and remember you;
Trying to show your clients that you are a real, trustworthy person behind your business - someone who knows what they're going through, understands their needs, and wants to help;
Looking for unique ways to showcase your brand story so you can share your vision and get on with making change in the world;
...your headshots and branding images are the first things people will see when they land on your site. And since you're a savvy business guru, you know how much first impressions count.
It's time...not just to update your headshots, but for an entire online makeover!
A few secrets about me...
I have a love of sailing from a childhood spent in Galveston Bay with my dad on the family sailboat.
I was a gymnastics state champion in high school.
I never leave home without a book. Or three.
I believe in real cream in my coffee.
I have a B.S. in Advertising (heh, heh) from the University of Texas at Austin (Hook 'Em!) and launched my career by working for one of the top worldwide advertising agencies, McCann-Erickson.
My husband is a better cook than me - and he makes killer craft cocktails.